Monday, February 22, 2010


Graffiti is cool sometimes unless you don't know how to do it great. Their are some people that don't know what they are doing. But there are those who do know and they make the community a little better because they put art that is very interesting like this picture in the bottom.
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Now that's art that mostly no one can do. It gives a little mystery. I think it makes the streets look better.

Lending a Hand

Many teams help out. They give back to the homeless and to those who are sick. The New Orleans Saints gave back a lot to the community. They gave back faith and they helped New Orleans get back on it's feet. They brought back faith and the people that left after Hurricane Katrina. Because of what they did the community is getting back on its feet. Now since they won a Super Bowl people will come back and support them again. You should lend a hand even thought you won't get attention still try to help out because you can make the world a better place.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Champions are those who lend a hand. Their are teams or people that lend hands to others. Those are true champions. Many people are champions but don't get recognized but their are those who's tradition is only to help and try to win for their city like the Los Angeles Lakers and the Dodgers. Their are many more but those have always lend out a hand to those in need. They are the true champions and they have a history and tradition. Those are the champions. If you want to be a champion try lending a hand to those in need.